Why Choose

the doctorate Program in Psychology?

The Doctorate Program in Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada is committed to becoming a pioneer in world-class national doctorate education in psychology, distinguished by excellence and innovation. Accredited with an A by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), this program is designed to serve the interests of the nation and humanity, guided by the cultural values of the nation and the principles of Pancasila.

Since the 2020/2021 Academic Year, the program has implemented the 2020 Doctorate Program in Psychology Curriculum, ensuring a robust and up-to-date educational framework.

Program Advantages

Research and Publications

Focused on research that enables students to contribute to reputable scientific publications.

Conducive Environment

Support from highly qualified lecturers and supervisors, including Professors and academics with international publication experience.


Modern academic facilities such as libraries, laboratories, and Faculty research and development centers.

Educational Process

Study Duration

The minimum study duration is 6 semesters, with a maximum of 8 semesters (extendable up to 14 semesters).


Integrates lectures, structured learning, and experiential learning.

Study Tracks

Students can choose one of the four (4) available study tracks: Publication Track, Methodology Track, Teaching Track, & New Graduate Track.


Based on students’ success in completing research, writing dissertations, and meeting international scientific publication requirements.

Biweekly Colloquium

A regular academic forum organized by the doctorate Program in Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event is designed to:

  • Support Academic Development
    Provide a platform for students, lecturers, and academics to share insights, discuss research findings, and expand knowledge in psychology.
  • Enhance Research Competence
    Offer doctorate students the opportunity to present their research progress.
  • Build Academic Networks

Facilitate collaboration between students, lecturers, and institutions. This colloquium is usually conducted in a hybrid format (offline and online) to ensure broad participation. It serves as an integral part of the Doctorate Program in Psychology at UGM to produce outstanding and competitive graduates.

Sarasehan Guyub Promovendus Club (SGPC)

Sarasehan Guyub Promovendus Club (SGPC)

is a regular event organized by the Promovendus Club, providing a platform for students of the Doctorate Program in Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Established in 2015, SGPC serves as a forum for members to discuss, exchange ideas, and share thoughts in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.  

During SGPC, doctorate students present their research proposals or study designs to receive feedback from alumni, doctorate candidates, and non-promotor lecturers. This event is also open to undergraduate (S1) and master’s (S2) students from the Faculty of Psychology at UGM who wish to broaden their knowledge and deepen their research interests.

News Release

